J-Bird Web Development LLC
J-Bird Web Development LLC
1107 Hannibal Street
Noblesville, IN
(317) 850-9637

Page Rank
(Search Engine Optimization)

If you have spent any time on the internet trying to figure out how to get your website to number one on the search engines then you have undoubtedly seen the following; "$100.00 guarantees you the number one position on Google" or something similar. Of course your first reaction is "man that's worth $100.00". But let's look a little deeper. Ok Joe you own a pizza shop in Suffolk Va. and right down the street Bob owns a pizza shop. Both of you see the ad and both of you send in your $100.00 on the same day to the same company. See the problem? You can't both be number one, someone just has to be number two! These so called SEO tools just can't deliver what they promise for the long term. Oh sure you may be number one for 10 minutes, but what about Bob? Remember Bob? He sent in his $100.00 too. So the company has to make good on their promise to Bob as well.

That's why you need someone who can make you number one and keep you there. And that is why you need a properly coded site that meets the criteria the search engines are looking for. Things like relative content, and appropriate link backs, or how a blog, or forum can help. There is no substitute for doing it right. At J-Bird we know what makes that googlebot happy. Let us show you what we mean firsthand. Don't take chances with the online marketing of your business!

This site copyrighted © 2010 J-Bird Web Development, LLC
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