Congdon Web LLC
Congdon Web LLC
152 East 22nd Street
Indianapolis, IN
(317) 920-9601

Do you have a website that has little or no traffic?

The old mantra of “build it and they will come” does not work in the world of the web. You must optimize and promote your website in order to be successful.

We offer fully integrated programs customized to fit your needs that will provide a return on your investment. More on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Marketing (SEM)

Our objective at Congdon Web is to implement a creative and productive search engine optimization and marketing program that will drive traffic to your website(s).

There are two methods to become visible to the search engines. At Congdon Web we refer to these methods as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM). We can view each as an individual program or as a single program together depending on your business requirements.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or organic optimization is a longer-term program that enables your website to get ranked in the search engines without paying them for placement. Modern Search Engine Optimization is much more than just applying keywords to your website. There are many factors that must be taken into account to have a successful Search Engine Optimization program. Learn more about our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) programs»»

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or pay-per-click has an immediate impact on your placement within the search engines. Search Engine Marketing is more than just putting your advertisement on a search engine. Our Search Engine Marketing program can also include arranging advertisement on industry portals and other forms of online advertising. Congdon Web can help you wade through the details and manage your entire campaign. However, we believe the search marketing campaigns can be better managed directly by the client with us providing consultative expertise.

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