Claghorn Designs
Claghorn Designs
4886 East 300 North
Craigville, IN
(260) 273-5140

Google serves around 80% of all searches carried out in the world. Every search engine has slightly different "rules" as to what is relevant content for its users. Google does the best job at this, and because Google do such a good job, everybody uses it. This is why it is important that your web site is designed to satisfy Googles algorithm, to get it to the top of the list of tens of thousands of other web sites in your area.

You may see competitors claiming "we will submit your web site to 1000's of search engines" - this is a complete waste of time. Have you ever heard of - or Nothing to be ashamed of - neither has anybody else. Those 1000's of search engines very rarely get used and if you need to provide an e-mail address for submission, it is highly likely that very soon after, you will be bombarded with spam.

Do not confuse getting listed in the natural area with paying for clicks. There are several search engines that offer to include your web site for your specific chosen keywords at a cost per click. The cost per click is determined by your competitors as a bidding scheme is in place. You only pay when people looking for your products actually click through to your web site You can usually identify paid advertisements on Google as they are listed under the heading "Sponsored Links". We can also help you get set up with the PPC (pay per click).

Claghorn Designs offers different plans for submitting your site to the main search engines such as Google, MSN, Yahoo, etc. We offer affordable rate plans because some large search engines, such as Google, may not start ranking your site for up 3 to 6 months. That is why we can utilize different marketing tactics by using the PPC option for the first few months.

Claghorn Designs 2009. All rights reserved

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