Stormfront Productions Inc
Stormfront Productions Inc
424 Main Street
Lafayette, Indiana 47901
Telephone: 765.429.5555

Internet Marketing, SEO / SEM Solutions & Email Branding

Our Internet marketing campaigns focus on increasing your overall organic (natural) search engine positioning on the major search engines. We start by researching your desired keywords in order to ensure they will provide a solid boost in targeted traffic. Next, we run comparative reporting tools which breakdown keyword search volume vs. competitiveness in order to provide you with the latest keyword data. We focus our optimization on the top 3 search engines, Google, Yahoo, and MSN, which account for 97% of a typical site’s search engine traffic. Our campaign will focus on delivering results that will yield the highest ROI for your site and sales goals.

Below are some of our key search engine achievements. The list is a partial summary of current and previous rankings obtained through one of our Internet marketing or SEO packages.

We can also provide detailed web statistics for your website. Let us help you track your search engine performance. You will have private access to view who is coming to your site, how they found you, what keywords they typed in on Google / Yahoo / MSN, what pages they clicked on, what browser / resolution / OS they are running, how long they stayed, plus much more! Let us help you convert website traffic into sales. Call us today to get started!

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