Norlight Professional Services
Norlight Professional Services
3701 Communications Way
Evansville, IN 47715
(812) 456-1234

Our Search Engine Optimization services help maximize your visibility by improving the search engine rankings that drive traffic to your website!

Defining SEO:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the method of analyzing and constructing web pages and websites so they can be discovered, indexed and repeatedly crawled by the search engines. Proper optimization translates into better search engine rankings. Some of the SEO basics include understanding your target market, choosing keywords/keyphrases that your target market uses to find your site, understanding how the search engines determine relevance, and constructing your web pages to take advantage of these evolving factors.

Why SEO:
Search Engines drive as much as 60 to 80 percent of a website's traffic. Still many companies continue to underestimate the importance of search engines. Failing to acknowledge SEO is ignoring what could be your most important marketing strategy.

2009 Norlight Professional Services, a division of Norlight, Inc.

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