McGlinchy Media & Design
McGlinchy Media & Design
362, 415 West Pike Street
Goshen, IN
(574) 534-8029

Indiana Web Design | A Different Business Approach
A few reasons to consider Goshen Indiana Web Design:

•Creative Web Services - We follow our website projects design and development well after the project has posted, to achieve successful long term results.
•Effective SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - We help those website clients become pro-active with their website to ensure qualified traffic, resulting in long-term customers.
•Positive Online Marketing - We consider our clients competition, demographics and budget and offer web solutions that best fit their needs.

The web can be a powerful marketing tool. Optimizing a web site will produce valuable results. Being proactive with SEO will move a website further to the top of specific categories within search engines (google, yahoo, etc). Optimization is available for any site, not only MM&D designed sites. Contact us for further information on how Web Site Optimization can change the effectiveness of your website.

2006 - 2008 McGlinchy Media & Design
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