J2 Marketing
J2 Marketing
30636 Spring Meadow Court
Granger, IN
(574) 849-3236

Sometimes “word of mouth” works for your advertising. Most of the time, contacting J2 Marketing is the better choice. Our skilled staff is here to help you with all of your marketing needs. You don’t have to be a large corporation to have your own website or be found on google. We can help get your name out there.

Our Services:
-Professional Websites
-Temporary Websites
-Plugs on Google and Facebook
-Business image consulting
-Business management consulting
-Internal Marketing

Professional Websites
- Take a look at our portfolio. That’s what we mean. We offer great personalized websites at a fraction of the cost of any other web-designer around. What we don’t offer is a cookie-cutter website. Your site will look like you and your business. We work with you on the design and feel of the website, offering our expertise, without stepping on your toes.
Temporary Websites
- Do you have a promotion going on? Or maybe a special event for your church or organization? Having a temporary website up to help spread the word and give accurate information about your event can be critical. Load your site up with times, dates, locations, maps, videos, whatever you need to help get the word out there.
Plugs on Google and Facebook
-“Google it!” Almost every browser out there has Google built into it. Almost everyone on the web today uses Google. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could find your business while they’re searching? They could find a map to your office, your phone number, your current special, a photo or logo of yours, and a link to your website. It would be a sad day when one of your potential customers couldn’t find out how to contact you or see your portfolio.
-Facebook has become the most popular social network. It’s also a great way to spread the word about your business or organization. Add photos, info, hours of operation, blogs, tops, and special events to your Facebook page. It’s almost like another whole website. Put a Facebook link on your website so people can easily become a fan from your site.
Business Image Consulting
- Do you need a logo? We can help with that. Already have a logo? We can help match the rest of your business to that logo. From a website to letterheads to offices, we can help create a feel and image for your business or organization. We can create an image of your business that everyone will remember. When they think of that color or logo or word, they’ll think of you. Sound Good?
Business Management Consulting
- Are you just starting off? Is your business small and you would like it to be big? Maybe you’re just starting to keep track of your income and expenses, and you need someone to help you get things rolling. We have a financial consultant ready to help you start things off on the right foot. We’ll help you set up your books, teach you what is an expense and what is income, how to pay yourself, and how to do it all without borrowing a penny.
Internal Marketing
- This part of our business is not just for business owners, it also pertains to teachers, professors, home-schooling parents, organizations, as well as businesses. We offer the development of PowerPoints, booklets, pamphlets, and several other “internal marketing” solutions. Because we know many people looking for this kind of help are not ready to empty the bank account on a PowerPoint, we are offering these services for minimal prices.
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